Monday, June 22, 2009

keep digging.

sometimes i learn from my mistakes, sometimes i don't.
i'm not a perfect person but i'm learning and growing at a pace that suits me.

i try to be as real and honest as possible.
i'm the same with you as i am with anyone else.
if you ask me a question, i give you the honest answer or no answer at all.
i've made mistakes. my share and probably yours.
i will undoubtedly continue to repeat mistakes. and i will make new ones.
but i'm not ashamed, and i'll never regret the things i've done, because good or bad, they've made me who i am.

if i'm fine with what i've done and with who i am, then what makes anyone think they have the right to not be fine with what i've done? if you don't want to know the answers, don't ask the questions. i'm not going to bullshit you to make myself look better. i've got nothing to hide and no one to impress because i am myself and i have myself.

chances are, you have no idea who i really am. you have no clue where i came from and what i've been through. and by deduction, that means you have no right to open your mouth and speak about me or anyone else with negativity. until you, yourself, are a perfect person, you should concentrate on fixing yourself before you run around pointing out what is wrong with others.

you will never be perfect. you will always have something within you to fix. we all do and we all will. if you think there's something wrong with me, address it with me. talking to someone else about me isn't going to help me; and if you don't want me to develop in to a better person, you have no business talking about me. if you really want to talk to your friends about someone, talk to them about yourself. you might learn something.

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